IM.O.FOR. Toscana vocational traing program is addressed to the following areas:
> Quality Sistem:(human resources/start up)
> Personal and managerial development (conflicts managment, communication, teamwork)
> Social educational sector
> Compulsory Work and Health and Safety courses
Special attention is paid to Vocational training courses specifc for Guidance Counsellor as “Tecnico dell’analisi de fabbisogni individuali, della consulenza per lo sviluppo dell’esperienza formativa/lavorativa e della validazione delle esperienze” Figura del RRFP Regione Toscana n. 419 (ex Consulente di Orientamento).
Main activities in the last years
Guidance counsellor course.
Provincia di Livorno, Matr. 2009LI004. Anno 2009/2010. The course was aimed to those professionals who operate in the reserch and staff selection and supply personnel services.
Vocational guidance comprises the provision of advice and information about the choice of a career, ways of funding vocational education and training, ease the transition from education into employment.(750h.)
Guidance counsellor course.
Provincia di Pisa, Matr. 2009LI004. Anno 2010/2011 The course was aimed to those professionals who operates in the reserch and staff selection and supply personnel services.
Vocational guidance comprises the provision of advice and information about the choice of a career, ways of funding vocational education and training, ease the transition from education into employment (750h.)
Compulsory training course for legal apprentices in the trade sector. Accreditation codici ATECO G51 e G52 – Sede di Pontedera:
Palnning and supply of training programs,classes, coordination and control, monitoring, evaluation and final reporting.
2009-2010 Social agricolture (“Il giardino diventa impresa”), progetto EASIER (Unione Comuni Valdera); Progetto F.I.L.O. ( vocational training to ease disabled people’s integration into the labour market) training agency Formatica. Classes L.68/99:
The main course’s classes, held by IM.O.FOR qualified personnell, on the subject of the integration of disabled and disadvantaged people into the labour market, are centered on legal and administrative matters, in orderto ease the employability of disadvantaged people into the labor market.
Progetto formazione ‘Unitaria’ Provincia di Lucca, course financed by means of SF.Matr. 2009LU0561 Feb -Oct 2010.
In-House trainig related to specific matters, such as food and hygiene and safety, management auditing, budget analysis, gender policies, safety at work.
Progetto F.I.L.O, fairy -tale, intercultural attitude, vocational guidance. Course financed by means of FS Matr. 2010LI0189. Dic 2010 – Mag 2011.
Vocational training course aimed to those operators dealing with children.
Business Voucher Provincia of Lucca, financed under L. 236/99.
Individual compulsory training courses provided to 5 businesses for 80 hours.
Progetto GE.NIO: Generare Innovazione nell’Orientamento a Foncoop financed course, gen – jun 2011. In-house training and refresh-training aimed at IM.O.For Toscana personnell on the issues of Comunication, conscious listening, the dealing of the guidance interview, labour legislation (37 hours).
Progetto la ragnatela, financed Foncoop gen-jun 2012. Training aimed to 115 operators and 2 managers of two social cooperatives.
Progetto GEN.I.O. – GENerare Innovazione nell’Orientamento 2- Provincia di Pisa, financede SF Cod. 42299. Set 2011 – giu 2012. A life long learing training in house project, aimed to persons employed in order to enhance their individual skills as well as to up date their kwoledge. Main issues: conscious listening and ampathic communication, conflicts management, team-work; research and staff selection, marketing; cultural and linguisitc mediation, disability issues.(132 hours)
Professional qualifying course ‘Vocational and educational guidance’.
Matr. 2014PI0101. apr. 2014 – gen 2015 . 250 h, FAD 80h, vocational guidance 30h, Stage 270 ( 630 h)