The Outplacement is a consultancy service aimed to employees and businness in order to ease the relocation of workers dismissed for economic reasons.
Three entities are involved in this process:

  1. The employer;
  2. The ouplacement society, whose aim is to support the dismissed worker in the job searching;
  3. Workers made reduntant, have to commit to take part in the outplacement’s path suggested.

The outplacement action may be provided, whether there has been a corporate reconstructing plan or individual dismissal

  • the first action is said “global outplacement” aimed mainly at workers and employees
  • the second action is said “individual outplacement” aimed mainly at managers, executives, professionals.

IM.O.FOR Toscana has, indipendently and toghether with some important jobs recruitment and employment agencies, carried out for Livorno and Pisa provinces, individual and global outplacement services.

  • PROGETTO UNRRA: (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration), promoted by Province of Pisa, aimed at those workers dismissed for economic reasons (mobilità), from textile, clothing, foothware and trade sectors
  • “Programma di interventi anti‐crisi: azioni di politica attiva di II Livello”, a set of mesures such as vocational guidance, training, orientation to self-employment ( a mesure already used by Province of Livorno), aimed at small businesses, operators and workers who need an outplacement service.
  • “Realizzazione di azioni di politica attiva rivolte ai lavoratori in esubero provenienti da De Tomaso (ex Delphi)” regional project co-financed by EGF (European Globalization adjustment found) concerning active policy mesures aimed at workers made redundant at De Tomaso s.p.a. Automobili.